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Kulanu Sukkot Gaga Tournament

Kulanu Sukkot Gaga Tournament

Sunday, October 20, 2024
4:00PM - 5:00PM

Kulanu Gaga Tournament & Sukkot Celebration
Sunday, October 20 at 4pm
(Geared towards families with at least one child in K-6th Grade)

We are commanded to be joyful on Sukkot. At Isaiah, playing gaga provides much joy. Before joining together for dinner in the sukkah, we’ll have our annual gaga tournament for all ages. The Gaga Tournament will begin at 4pm, and at 5:30pm, a pizza dinner will be held in the Sukkah! Gaga: Sign-up for our annual gaga tournament then stay for dinner in the Sukkah. There will be friendly competitions for children AND adults. No previous experience needed. Kids will be divided by age to make it fair, safe and fun! We’ll warm up as a community, provide some instruction and then have a ton of fun playing the most popular sport at Temple Isaiah. Dinner: We’ll then celebrate the fifth night of Sukkot with a Zachary’s pizza dinner in the sukkah at 5:30pm. The dinner will be a joyous celebration of Sukkot with the ritual of waving the lulav & etrog and spirited song. We’ll give thanks for a bountiful harvest by savoring a catered dinner. There with gluten-free and dairy-free options. Please mark dietary needs on the form. Cost: $10/adult, $5/child (Preschool-6th grade). Register by Thursday, October 17.

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