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WOI Bylaws

Women of Isaiah

This organization shall be known as Women of Isaiah (WOI).


SECTION A: The mission of WOI shall be:
• To enhance and support Temple Isaiah through special programming, financial support and involvement of the women within our congregation.
• To offer women the opportunity for establishing friendship and a sense of community within our congregation.
• To provide opportunity for learning about Judaism, critical issues, women-related issues, and to stimulate overall spiritual and individual growth.
• To channel our collective energies towards the humanitarian needs of the community through social action initiatives and ongoing programs.
• To offer programming and financial support for Temple Isaiah youth as a means to assure the future vitality of Judaism.

SECTION B: This organization shall be affiliated with the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) and
WRJ Pacific District. WOI will further the programs of WRJ to the best of its ability.


SECTION A: All women who are members of Temple Isaiah and dedicated to the mission of WOI
may become active members in good standing upon annual payment of WOI
membership dues as herein provided.

SECTION B: Women who are not members of Temple Isaiah may become members of WOI on an annual basis at the discretion of the WOI president(s) in consultation with Temple Isaiah clergy.

SECTION C: Annual WOI membership dues shall be determined by the WOI Board of Directors (WOI Board).

SECTION D: Since WOI are active members of WRJ, membership fees to WRJ and WRJ Pacific District shall be submitted annually as required by their charter, as well as specialized funds, as required and requested.

SECTION E: All women clergy and the spouses of all male clergy are welcome as complimentary members.

SECTION F: The fiscal year shall be June 1 through May 31.

SECTION G: The privilege of holding office, making motions, debating and voting shall be limited to members of WOI whose dues are paid for the current fiscal year.


SECTION A: Any woman who is a member of WOI and a member of Temple Isaiah may serve on the WOI Board.

SECTION B: The officers of WOI shall be: president(s), executive vice president(s), recording secretary, treasurer, gift shop manager and parliamentarian(s).

SECTION C: Elected officers of WOI shall be members in good standing of WOI and Temple Isaiah.
In accordance with Temple Isaiah’s bylaws, the president(s) shall be a member(s) of the Temple Isaiah Board of Directors. The president(s) may assign a WOI Board representative who is a member in good standing of Temple Isaiah to attend the Temple Isaiah Board meetings.

SECTION D: Nominations for the officers shall be made by a nominating committee.
• The president(s) shall appoint 1 member of the nominating committee to act as chair.
• The consent of each candidate must be obtained before her name is placed in nomination.
• Only WOI members in good standing shall be eligible to serve on the nominating committee.

SECTION E: The nominating committee shall present names of candidates for the offices of this organization in or by the April meeting of the WOI Board, at which time furthernomination may be made from the floor.

SECTION F: Election of officers shall be at a meeting of the WOI general membership in or by May. Such election of officers may be conducted via email at the discretion of the WOI Board.

SECTION G: Officers shall serve for a minimum term of 1 year. Officers shall assume their duties on June 1.

SECTION H: Vacancies in office shall be filled by the president(s) and Nominating Committee who will find a replacement.


SECTION A: The president(s) shall:
1. Preside at all WOI meetings.
2. Appoint the various committee chairs in conjunction with the executive vice president(s).
3. Call special meetings of WOI.
4. Perform all duties pertaining to the office of president.
5. Be the ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
6. Appoint Ad Hoc (temporary) committees as required; and report to the WOI Board upon completion of the work of each of these committees.
7. Be the WOI representative on the Temple Isaiah Board of Directors and regularly attend their meetings or appoint a designee in her place.
8. Shall develop monthly meeting agendas.

SECTION B: The executive vice president(s) shall:
1. Assist the president(s) whenever called upon.
2. Assume the duties of the president(s) whenever called upon.

SECTION C: The recording secretary shall:
1. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the WOI Board.
2. Be prepared to refer to minutes of all previous meetings.
3. Prepare summaries of all actions taken and all unfinished business for use by the president(s).
4. Act as president in the absence of the president(s) and executive vice president(s).
5. Compose and distribute minutes at the next board meeting.

SECTION D: The treasurer shall:
1. Receive all monies from WOI and shall deposit them in the name of WOI in a bank approved by WOI officers.
2. Issue checks on funds when presented with documentation in such form as may be required by the WOI Board.
3. Pay to WRJ and the WRJ Pacific District the agreed per capita dues.
4. Keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements.
5. Present a full report and statement of accounts at each monthly meeting of the WOI Board.
6. Present the books of WOI annually or upon termination of her office for examination by a qualified auditor, if requested.
7. Be a member of the Budget and Finance Committee and take the lead role in recommending and creating a new budget for the new fiscal year.

SECTION E: The parliamentarian(s) shall:
1. Advise the WOI Board and officers as to proper parliamentary methods and procedures.
2. Be chairwoman of the Bylaws Committee.
3. Provide historical context to WOI Board.

SECTION F: When an officer fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the WOI Board without adequate excuse, after due notification, the WOI Board may recommend that the
position be declared vacant.

SECTION G: Each member of the WOI Board upon expiration of her term of office or in case of resignation, shall turn over to her successor without delay all records, books, funds, and other materials pertaining to the office.


SECTION A: The WOI Board shall hold regularly scheduled meetings. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the WOI Board with written notice or email of at least one week.

SECTION B: For general membership meetings, a quorum shall consist of ten percent of the members
in good standing.


SECTION A: The WOI Board shall consist of the officers, all chairwomen of WOI standing committees, and any other members of WOI as designated by the president(s).
1. Each member of the WOI Board shall be entitled to one vote.
2. The term of office of each committee chairwoman shall coincide with each terms of the WOI president(s).
3. The gift shop manager shall be a member in good standing of Temple Isaiah.

SECTION B: The WOI standing committees shall include but not be limited to: Membership, Programming, Budget and Finance, Maagal Tzedakah and Nominating. All committees
shall be chaired by WOI members in good standing. Committee chairs shall be appointed by the president(s). Committee members shall be selected by the committee chair or the president(s), subject to the requirements of these bylaws.

SECTION C: The WOI Board shall:
1. Authorize special expenditures.
2. Fill all vacancies in office.
3. Serve at the behest of the WOI Membership to the best of their ability.

Special meetings of the WOI Board may be called by the president(s) and must be
called upon the written request of 10% of the WOI membership.

SECTION E: At regularly scheduled WOI Board meetings, 25% of the WOI Board, at least two of
whom must be officers, shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION F: The WOI Board shall approve a yearly budget.


SECTION A: WOI shall budget annually for the expenses of a delegate(s) to the WRJ and WRJ Pacific District assemblies, the specific amount to be left to the Budget Committee.

SECTION B: Only members in good standing are eligible to be delegates.

SECTION C: Subject to approval of the WOI Board:
1. Whenever feasible, WOI shall budget for the president(s)‘s registration and minimum hotel room expense.
2. Whenever feasible, WOI shall budget for other board members’ registration and minimum hotel room expense.
3. Whenever feasible, WOI shall budget for WRJ/assembly board members the registration and minimum hotel room expense.

SECTION D: Delegates shall make a report to the WOI Board within 30 days following the assembly in order to educate the board about programming, leadership and national agenda.


SECTION A: These bylaws shall be reviewed at least every 7 years.

SECTION B: To amend the bylaws, a Bylaws Committee shall be appointed by the president(s). The Bylaws Committee shall submit proposed changes to a meeting of the WOI Board for initial approval.

SECTION C: Proposed changes to the bylaws that are approved by the WOI Board shall be made available to the WOI membership at least thirty days before the meeting at which the proposed changes will be voted upon. A two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at the meeting is required to approve an amendment. No changes to the proposed amendments, other than minor, non-substantive corrections, shall be made at the meeting where the vote is taken.

SECTION D: Upon adoption, an amendment immediately becomes part of the bylaws.


Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority of the Women of Isaiah.
Revised 5/4/2015
Previous revisions: 7/24/2007

Click here to download the WOI Bylaws Women_of_Isaiah_Bylaws.pdf

For WOI policies, including WRJ Convention Reimbursement, visit