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Wise Ones Out and About: Jewish Contemporary Museum

Wise Ones Out and About: Jewish Contemporary Museum

Thursday, April 11, 2024
11:00AM - 4:00PM

For our next adventure, Wise Ones goes to Wise Sons…and to the Contemporary Jewish Museum (CJM) in San Francisco for a private, guided tour of two exhibits, First Light: Rituals of Glass and Neon Art and Radiant Practices: Illuminating Jewish Traditions. Join us for an optional lunch at Wise Sons Jewish Deli that is located on the site of CJM at 1pm or meet us at 2pm when the tour starts. You can drive yourself or meet at the Lafayette BART to ride in with a group. The museum and restaurant are a short walk from Powell St Station. The cost is $25 per person for museum tour.

Riding Bart with the Group? We plan to take the 11:17am train from Lafayette Bart Station.  We’ll meet before the departure time on the platform of the 1st car.

Meeting us at the Museum? Join us at 12PM for lunch at Wise Sons Jewish Deli* or at 1 PM for the start of the tour.

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