Art Exhibitions
Connections is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah artists – to explore the ways that each of us find and experience connections. Connections can provide a deep source of strength and well being. We connect to people close to us, to our community, to our religion, to the earth, to our creativity, or to our deepest sense of self. These connections can give us sustenance in difficult times, and create meaning and joy in our lives.
Connections will be exhibited in the Temple Administration Building, The Temple House, in the Adult Lounge, between January 13, 2025 and April 5, 2025.
- Renewal
Renewal is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah artists, visually expressing the concept of renewal. We constantly seek—and hopefully find—ways to renew ourselves through education, spiritual practices, deepening relationships, travel, creative work, and other meaningful activities. Renewal allows us to grow, refresh, and invigorate as we move forward despite challenges.
The High Holidays offer us a time of reflection as we seek renewal of ourselves, our neighborhood, our country, and our world.
- Strength
Strength is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah artists to visually express the concept of Strength.As Jews, we have persevered both collectively and individually, through our strength. In times of challenge and adversity, we have been able to call on the values and traditions of Judaism to help us survive and prosper. We might draw strength spiritually, or through our community and loved ones. From our history we can draw inspiration for emerging with more strength after facing our struggles. For some of us, the connection to nature inherent in Jewish tradition is a source of strength.
Strength was exhibited in the Temple Administration Building, “The Temple House,” in the Adult Lounge, from April 1 – June 21, 2024.
- Roots
Roots is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah artists to visually express the concept of Roots. Tu B’shvat is called the New Year of Trees, or Birthday of Trees. We are encouraged to think about our connection to the earth, how we are nurtured by it, and how we need to preserve it. Trees remind us to be emotionally alive in the present as we observe their fresh growth, and they also remind us of our roots. What does a connection to the earth, or spending time in nature, mean for you personally? Does it bring you healing, inspiration, or equanimity? Does the idea of rootedness to family, or spiritual practices, resonate for you? What helps you regenerate? Artists were invited to submit work that expresses their own sense of “Roots,” and to interpret the concept openly and creatively.
Roots was exhibited in the Adult Lounge, from December 11, 2023 – March 10, 2024. The exhibit is also available by clicking the button below. For questions, please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or (925) 283-8575
- Shelter
September 11 – December 10, 2023
Shelter is an exhibition by of art by Temple Isaiah artists to visually express the concept of Shelter. Shelter can be a physical environment, either temporary or permanent, or something that is ephemeral but makes us feel protected. Family and friends, community, religious practices and celebrations, creative endeavors, or volunteering to help people, are some of the things that shelter our souls. The shelter of our home might feel like a second skin, reflecting our values and filled with memories, while a sukkah reminds us of our relationship with nature. Artists are invited to submit work that expresses their own sense of shelter, and to interpret the concept openly and creatively.
Shelter will be exhibited in the Adult Lounge, from September 11 – December 10, 2023. The exhibit is also available for viewing online at: Home > Community > Art Exhibitions. For questions, please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or (925) 283-8575
- Traditions
March 1 – June 2, 2023
Traditions is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah artists to visually express the concept of a tradition. During the time of Purim and Passover, many people reflect on family times in terms of meals, gatherings, and experiences as part of their Jewish traditions. The concept of tradition can be viewed much broader, for example: yearly trips to the mountains, the annual cleaning of closets, making special recipes, singing favorite songs, being with friends, and family gatherings, etc. A tradition can be spiritual, physical, emotional, literal or metaphorical.Click here for virtual exhibit
Traditions Community Project
Sunday, March 19 from 1-3pm in the Adult Lounge
Please join us to celebrate the opening of the “Traditions” art show and launch our exciting Traditions Community Project at an open studio in the adult lounge. The project is an opportunity for Temple Isaiah families to visually express and share their own traditions with our community by creating a page in the book of traditions we are creating.- Illumination
December 6, 2022 – February 24, 2023
Illumination is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah artists to visually express the idea of experiencing light in the world, either literally or metaphorically.
- Celebrating the Sacred
September 19 – November 29, 2022
Celebrating the Sacred is an exhibition by Temple Isaiah artists to visually express their response to the High Holy Days. Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur can inspire awe, contemplation, and a focus on the deepest roots of Judaism, as well as inspire a sense of solidarity with Jews around the world. There can be rich traditions within us, and within our families, that can make this time sacred and meaningful. Being connected to nature, volunteering, visiting new places, or spending time with friends might be other examples of what one could find most sacred. Artists are invited to submit work that expresses their own sense of what feels sacred in their lives, and to interpret the concept openly and creatively.
Celebrating the Sacred will be exhibited in the Temple Administration Building, “The Temple House,” in the Adult Lounge, the hallways, and the glass display case, and will also be available for viewing online.The goal of this exhibition is to bring the visual arts into Temple Isaiah in a more deliberate way. It will also help build community by providing a platform for artists to share their work, and by facilitating a dialogue between artists and art enthusiasts who would like to find out more about the visual art creative process.
- Journey
April 1 – June 24, 2022
Reception Sunday, April 10 from 1-2pm in the Adult Lounge (no refreshments)
Journey is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah artists to visually interpret the spirit of Passover. The Journey that we take on Passover is our people’s holiest journey. At the core, is the central message of what it means to be a people. It celebrates the movement from identifying with slavery to being a partner of the Holy in this world.
- Nature & Nurture
January 10 – March 25, 2022
Nature & Nurture is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah Artists to visually enhance the spirit of Tu Bish’vat. This festival or holiday is a symbol of the renewed growth of the Jewish people and expands our awareness of the environment by planting new trees. Tu Bish’vat is an authentic Jewish “Earth Day” – a timely concept of people connecting to our world and with each other.
The Nature & Nurture exhibition is in the Temple Administration Building, “The Temple House,” in the Adult Lounge, the hallways, and the glass display case. The exhibit is also be available for viewing online.
The goal of this exhibition is to bring the visual arts into Temple Isaiah in a more deliberate way. It will also help build community by providing a platform for artists to share their work and by facilitating a dialogue between artists and art enthusiasts who would like to find out more about the visual art creative process.
- Shelley Waldenberg: A Retrospective
Title: A D’Var Torah at the Western WallNovember 1 to December 31, 2021
Shelley Waldenberg: A Retrospective will be exhibited in the Adult Lounge from November 1 to December 31, 2021. A reception for the artist and congregation will be held in the Adult Lounge on November 14 from 1:00 to 2:30pm.
Shelley Waldenberg served as Rabbi at Temple Isaiah from 1972 to 1991, and is currently a Rabbi Emeritus. Shelley says, “painting portraits and teaching Torah – no words can begin to capture the joy and satisfaction that both have brought me over the course of a lifetime.”- Regenesis & Emergence
August 29 to October 25, 2021
REGENESIS & EMERGENCE, is an exhibition of art by Temple Isaiah artists, that visually shows the impact of the global pandemic. Artists have reacted differently to the experience – for some it has slowed the ability to create, and for others it has allowed creative juices to flow and expand. The exhibition runs from August 29 to October 25, 2021. You can view the exhibit in person in the Temple House-Adult Lounge or the temple website.
The virtual exhibition is Sunday, August 29 at 12:00 p.m. on Zoom.
The in-person exhibition and artists reception is Sunday, August 29 at 1:00 p.m. at the Temple House-Adult Lounge.
No R.S.V.P. required.