Maagal Tzedakah Circles of Giving
Maagal Tzedakah (MT) and Its History
Women of Isaiah is proud of its long history of financial support of Temple Isaiah as well as the needs of our broader community. After several successful years of raising funds through dues, donations, gift shop sales, and other fundraising activities, by 2007 WOI had accumulated a sizable budget surplus at year’s end. WOI leadership sought to develop a thoughtful approach to give back to our community, and MT was developed.
Recognizing the need to establish a systematic and meaningful process to evaluate and disperse its charitable donations, the WOI Funding Task Force created a two-pronged approach to giving thus enabling the organization to provide for reliable annual standing contributions, as well as for a flexible response to evolving needs both at TI and the broader community. Modeled after the women’s philanthropic giving circles of the early 20th century, the Maagal Tzedakah, or Circles of Giving, grant process represents three concentric rings of community: Home: Temple Isaiah, Local: East Bay Counties, and Extended: State, National, and Global. MT’s goal is to provide an encompassing framework for all of WOI’s philanthropic efforts and to demonstrate its values and commitment to WOI’s mission through the grant-giving process.
- Who is Served by Women of Isaiah’s MT Grants?
Temple Isaiah Community
• Care packages from clergy to Temple Isaiah students attending college
• 11th and 12th grade Civil Rights Trip to Georgia
• 10th grade Trip to Washington DC and the RAC*
• 10th grade Confirmation Tanakh*
• 5th grade Torah Commentary*
• 1st - 6th grade Shelter Lunch Program*
• K-1st grade JQuest Kadimah Curriculum
• Gan Ilan Preschool Annual Contribution*
• Materials for the Ted Cotler Memorial Library
• High Holy Day robe for clergy
• Carpeting for the sanctuary
• Temple Isaiah Gala Sponsorship*
• VIA Isaiah’s Environmental Action Team Rally
• DEI/Racial Justice Education for community and staffLocal Community
• Urban Adamah
• Jewish LearningWorks
• White Pony Express
• Mt Diablo High School Classroom Garden
• Shalom Bayit*
• Bay Area Crisis Mission
• Winter Nights Rotating Shelter
• Loaves and Fishes
• Shelter Inc.
• Hope Solutions (Formerly Contra Costa Interfaith Housing)
• Jewish Coalition for LiteracyCalifornia, National, and Global
• WRJ YES Fund Contribution
• Women of the Wall
• Camp Newman
• HIAS*Standing annual Maagal Tzedakah grant
- How to Support and Contribute to MT
The ability to serve our community so generously is made possible by your contributions in WOI membership dues, as well as your donations to the MT fund. As you renew your annual WOI membership each year, please give from the heart at the level most meaningful to you. And when you have a simcha or would like to offer an honor to someone special, please consider donating directly to the Maagal Tzedakah fund. The WOI board and the Temple community thank you for sharing your spirit of tzedakah and entrusting us to do this important work.
Donate online at
- How to Apply for a Grant